Very few communists deny the feasibility of a borderless world. After all, one needn't be a communist to understand that nation-states have only existed for approximately five hundred years of humankind's 250,000 years and developed only because of mercantilism and later capitalism. Therefore, wholly contrived borders can be eliminated. So, there's no meaningful debate among communists concerning the feasibility of a borderless world.
Per LowIQTrash's "Marxism ... doesn't incorporate biological determinism..., of course, it doesn't integrate that racist claptrap. The idea that people can be divided into biologically distinct taxa known as "races" and, further, that observable evidence exists to justify, racism, racial "inferiority," racial discrimination, and racial "superiority" is laughable to everyone but Nazis. In essence, LowIQTrash's employment of terminology such as "pseudoscience," "religion," and "dogma" relative to Marxism amounts to projectionism. Given that, the empirically erroneous "'biological' determinism" asserts that things are the way they've always been and must be - biological' determinism is religious-like pseudoscientific dogma.
Be well
Good day
"Harvey Mushman"